OP PANEEL. Uitg. onbekend, circa 1999. Kleurendruk. Achterkant beschreven.
BEACH HOTEL. Uitg. onbekend, circa 1975. Kleurenfoto. 1,-
Greetings from Aruba. Publ. unknown.
Card with four small colour photos, sent in 1993. With stamp. 1,25
AUTONOMY MONUMENT representing the six
islands of the Netherlands Antilles. Publ. Boekhandel Salas, Curacao, 1970s.
Photogr. by Fischer. Colour photo. Nr.P301582. 1,50 BEAUTIFUL CURACAO [with 5 pictures]. Publ.
Van Dorp-Eddine, Curacao, 1980s. Colour photos. Nr. 07.149. 1,- BREEDESTRAAT (PUNDA). Publ. Van Dorp,
Willemstad, 1970s. Colour photo. Nr. 78.423.30. 1,50 BREEDESTRAAT, OTRABANDA. Uitg. Fotohandel Sunny Isle L. Reck,
Curacao [nr. 14], circa 1925? Kleurendruk,
niet verzonden. 11,- CORAL CLIFF HOTEL. Publ. Van Dorp,
Willemstad, 1970s. Colour photo. Nr. 1423/19. 1,25 CURACAO ISLAND OF MANY FACES [with 4
pictures]. Publ. Dexter Press - De Wit Stores, 1960s, photogr. Larry Witt. Colour
photo.Nr. DT-96967-C. 1,50 CURACAO N.A. [with 6 pictures]. Publ.
Van Dorp-Eddine, Curacao, 1980s. Colour photos. Nr. 07.145. 1,- CURACAO N.A. [with 7 pictures]. Publ.
Van Dorp-Eddine, Curacao, 1980s. Colour photos. Nr. 07.144. 1,- CURACAO N.W.I. - GELUKKIG NIEUWJAAR. Met kleine foto s van
het Gouvernementshuis, de Handelskade, Put bij Savonet, Landweg bij Santa
Barbara en San Pedro. Uitg. Hollandsche Boekhandel, jaren dertig. Verzonden
in 1935. 6,- CURACAO PETROLEUM INDUSTRIE MIJ. Uitg. Fotohandel Sunny
Isle L. Reck, Curacao [nr. 20], circa 1925? Kleurendruk, niet verzonden. 10,- ENTRADA DEL PUERTO Y PALACIO DEL
GOBERNADOR. Photogr. Wisatco. Publ.
unknown. 1920s? Small spots. 6,- FLOWERS OF CURACAO [with 6 pictures]. Publ.
Van Dorp-Eddine, Curacao, 1980s. Colour photos. Nr. 07.147. 1,- GOVERNMENTS
PALACE. Publ. Fotohandel Sunny Isle L. Reck, Curacao (no. 27), ab. 1930? Colour
[with seven cars and a guard in front]. Publ. Julius L. Penha & Sons,
Curacao. Made in U.S.A. by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. 1940s. Sent, with stamps.
pictures]. Publ. Hazeleger s Flamboyant Beach Hotel/Casino. 1960s. Photogr. H.
Hart. Colour photos. 1,50 GREETINGS
FROM CURACAO, NETH. ANTILLES [5 pictures, i.a. Queen Emma Bridge, Floating
Market, an old mansion - Scharloo?]. Publ.
La Bonanza, Curacao (no. 41692). Photo card, 1950s. Not sent. 5,- HARBOR ENTRANCE, looking towards
Caribbean Sea. Publ. Boekhandel Salas, Curacao, 1970s. Photogr. by Fischer. Colour
photo. Nr. P302074. 1,50 HENDRIKPLEIN - Shadow spot in front of the
popular Bookstore Salas. Publ. Boekhandel Salas, Curacao, 1960s. Photogr. by
Fischer. Colour photo. 3,00 JEUGDVERKEERSPARK -
YOUTH TRAFFIC PARK. Uitg. onbekend, 196X.
Kleurendruk. 1,50 LOVELY SPAANSE WATER. Publ. Boekhandel
Salas, Curacao, 1970s. Photogr. by Fischer. Photo card, color by Mike Roberts.
Nr. C23964. 1,50 MAP OF THE ISLAND OF CURACAO. Publ.
Dexter Press - De Wit Stores, 1960s. Coloured. 1,- NATIVE COUNTRY FAMILY [in front of their cottage]. Publ. Fotohandel Sunny Isle
L. Reck, Curacao, ab. 1930? Colour print. 7,- PISCADERA BAY BEACH [with visitors]. Publ.
Boekhandel Salas, Curacao, 1950s. Photogr. by Fischer. Photo card. 6,- PONTOON
BRIDGE QUEEN EMMA - PUENTE REINA EMMA [with view on Otrabanda]. Publ. Mensing &
Co., Curacao. Made in U.S.A. by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. Probably 1940s. 5,- QUEEN JULIANA BRIDGE OVER ST. ANNA BAY. Publ.
DWS (De Wit Stores), Curacao. 1970s. Colour photo. 1,50 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (One of the oldest).
Publ. Boekhandel Salas, Curacao, 1950s. Photo card. 7,- ST. ELISABETHS-GASTHUIS TE CURACAO (voorzijde).
Fotogr. Soublette et Fils, Curacao. Jaren dertig. Voor- en achterkant zijn
beschreven. 9,- THE SUNNY CARIBBEAN: The royal
Poinciana, colorful tropical splendor. Publ. Dexter Press - De Wit Stores,
1960s, photogr. Larry Witt. Colour photo. Nr. DT-92343-B. 1,50 TYPICAL ARCHITECTURE. Publ. Van Dorp,
Curacao, 1970s. Colour photo. Nr. 14. 1,50 TYPICAL CONTRASTING VIEWS OF CURACAO S
COUNTRYSIDE [with 3 pictures]. Publ. Dexter Press - De Wit Stores, 1960s. Colour
photos. Nr. DT-46320-D. 1,50 TYPICAL COUNTRYSIDE SETTING with strawroofed
native dwelling and local music group in foreground. Publ. Boekhandel Salas,
Curacao, 1960s. Photogr. by Fischer. Colour photo (kodachrome). 2,50 VIEW OVER PUNDA. Publ. Van Dorp-Eddine,
Curacao, 1980s. Colour photo. Nr. 07.131. 1,- VIEW OF CARACAS BAY,
CURACAO, N.A. Publ. unknown. Sent in
1951, with stamp. Photo card. 4,- VIEW
ON WILLEMSTAD AND HARBOUR ENTRANCE [Punda]. Photogr. Kon. Luchtvaart Mij.
Fototechnische Dienst, Rotterdam. 1950s.
[zee op de voorgrond, buitenplaats op de
achtergrond]. Uitg.
Gebr. Jonckheer, Curacao. Verzonden in 1906. 16,-