leder = leather, calf |
aflev. =
aflevering = number |
licht besch(adigd) = slightly damaged |
als nieuw = as new, unused |
linn. / ln.
= linnen = cloth |
Amst. =
Amsterdam |
meisjesroman = children’s book (for girls) |
Antw. =
Antwerpen |
mooi /
keurig / fraai = nice, excellent |
besch. =
beschadigd = damaged |
= commentary |
= contemplations |
nieuw = new |
volk = population |
linnen = modern cloth |
bibl. (bibliotheek) stempel = library stamp |
nog niet
opengesneden = unopened |
bibliogr. = bibliografie = bibliography |
n.p. = no place of issue |
cassette = slipcase |
omslag = cover |
cl. = cloth |
onderw. = onderwerpen = subjects |
conc. =
concerning |
ontbr. =
ontbreekt = missing, gone |
deel = part, section |
= developments |
diss. = dissertatie
= thesis |
opdracht =
dedication |
dr. = druk =
edition |
overdr. =
overdruk = offprint |
eerste (1e)
druk = first edition |
= markings (pencil) |
enkele = some |
rec. =
recensie |
ervaringen =
experiences |
refer. = references |
exemplaar = copy |
reg. = register = index |
fig. = figures |
roman = novel |
fol. = folio |
rug = spine |
fot. = foto’s = photographs |
’s-Grav. = ’s-Gravenhage = The Hague |
Fr. (Franse) titel = half-title |
samen = together |
geb. =
gebonden = bound
samenvatting = summary
gedecor. = gedecoreerd = decorated |
schutblad = fly-leaf |
gekleurd = coloured |
sleets = worn, shaved |
geplastif. = geplastificeerd = plastic cover |
slordig exemplaar = poor copy |
gerep. = gerepareerd = repaired |
= dust jacket |
geschaafd = shaved |
summ. = summary |
gesigneerd = signed (by the author) |
tab. =
tabellen = tables |
gebruiken = customs |
tek. =
tekeningen = figures, drawings |
gravure = engraving |
titelblad = title-page |
halfl. / hln.
= halflinnen = half cloth |
t/m = tot en met = up to and including |
halfleder = half calf / half leather |
= explanation |
herdruk =
reprint |
transl. = translation |
herinneringen = memories |
ts. =
tijdschrift = periodical |
herz. =
herziene = revised |
tweede (2e)
druk = second edition |
I.G. = Indisch
Genootschap |
uitgave =
edition |
Ind. Gen. =
Indisch Genootschap |
= published |
indrukken = impressions |
(uitslaande) kaart = folding map |
inleiding =
introduction |
Utr. =
Utrecht |
ing. / ingen.
= ingenaaid = wrappers |
veel = many |
jongensboek = children’s book (for boys) |
verhalen =
short stories |
jrg. =
jaargang = volume |
vert. =
vertaling = translation |
kaartje =
sketch map |
vlekkig =
stained |
kart. =
karton = boards |
vocab. = vocabulary |
kinderboek = children’s book |
= water-damage |
kleuren =
colours |
voorwoord =
preface |
KNAG = Koninklijk
Nederlands(ch) Aard- |
= glossary |
Genootschap |
wormg. =
wormgaatje = worm-hole |
kol. =
kolommen = columns |
z.j. =
zonder jaar = no year of issue |
krt. = kaart =
map |
z.p. = zonder plaats = no place of issue |
kunst = arts |
zeden =
customs |
= crafts |
z/w = zwart/wit = plain (photos) |
Periodicals –
Tijdschriften: Bijdr. KITLV = Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-
en Volkenkunde (van Ned.-Indië) IMT = Indisch Missietijdschrift Ts. VNN = Verre Naasten Naderbij
(uitgave van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde |
► Picture postcards Asia - Indonesia
► Picture postcards Caribbean Area - Suriname -
Netherlands Antilles
Stamp-collecting, banknotes and additional grammophone discs