Antiquariaat Batavia

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Files online:

■ Our file on (more than 5300 publications about Asia, Indonesia, Suriname

and the Caribbean)

Catalogue 82A (Publications in/on Bahasa Indonesia and Malay)

■ Cat. 82A in PDF format               Cat. 82A in Word format

Catalogue 82 (Varia Asia and Indonesia: a selection from our stock and recent acquisitions)

■ Cat. 82 in PDF format               Cat. 82 in Word format

Catalogue 81 (Caribbean Area, Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles: a selection from our stock

and recent acquisitions)       

■ Cat. 81 in PDF format               ■ Cat. 81 in Word format

Catalogue 80 (Varia Asia and Indonesia: a selection from our stock and recent acquisitions)

■ Cat. 80 in PDF format               ■ Cat. 80 in Word format

Catalogue 73A (Reproductions of photographs from Ds. C.A. Hoekstra’s collection, which are

published in: Zijlmans - ‘Fotografieën van Suriname’, 2006)

Used terms and abbreviations in the catalogues

■ Picture postcards (Varia Asia Indonesia)          ■ Other plates (Indonesia)

■ Photo plates published by Kleynenberg & Co, Haarlem, 1912-1914

■ Picture postcards (caribbean area, suriname, netherlands antilles)

■ Videotapes (Indonesia, the Netherlands, and others)

■ Musical recordings (Indonesia, Suriname, Netherlands Antilles)

■ Objects concerning the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia

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